Friday, October 03, 2008

Palin Read Her Answers

Sort of like the Wizard of Oz, you get to see how it really is when you have a split screen of the two candidates. Faiz Shakir reports:
"Because the cable and network television stations did not show a split screen of the debate, most viewers could not see that, during Joe Biden’s answers, Sarah "Bible Spice" Palin spent almost all her time looking down and studiously reading her notes. But viewers did see that when Palin delivered her answers, she would repeatedly glance down to check her talking points."
Watch this video and see the gimmickry:

Politico reports that
on at least ten occasions, Palin gave answers that were nonspecific, completely generic, pivoted away from the question at hand, or simply ignored it: on global warming, an Iraq exit strategy, Iran and Pakistan, Iranian diplomacy, Israel-Palestine (and a follow-up), the nuclear trigger, interventionism, Cheney’s vice presidency and her own greatest weakness.
Remember what happened when Couric asked follow up questions? Her head almost exploded.

[Note: From now on watch these debates on CSPAN to get the split screen.]

Source: ThinkProgress

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