Monday, December 08, 2008

Karl Rove Is Gonna Tattle Tale On You

Maybe this strikes fear in the conservatives who are looking back into history, trying to figure out how to go back in time to 1984, but most should not care, ding-dong the wicked witch is dead:
"I've got behind-the-scenes episodes that are going to show how unreceiving they were of this man as president of the United States. I'm going to name names and show examples."
-- Karl Rove, quoted by the Austin American-Statesman, on his forthcoming book in which he describes the "political actors in this town who never accepted [Bush] as a legitimate president."

Political actors? Isn't he describing Bush? The cowering conservatives were just playing along in his massive Jesus-with-a-gun Pantomime, all at our expense.

In this day and age, those fingered by Rove will look cool for not buying into the Bush farce. Write your lame passive-aggressive book, Karl, and fade into the sunset.

Source: Austin Statesman

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