Tuesday, December 09, 2008

O'Reilly's War On Christmyth

The Messiah of the Non-story has his "holiday" quiz. Christmas hater, that's some war. The red herring Clown Prince Bill O'Reilly should be consistent and demand that all his viewers boycott his show.

Note also the complete lack of any “Christian” imagery in the graphic accompanying the piece.

* Santa - not Christian; based in pagan beliefs
* Kwanzaa - not (generally) Christian; based on African traditions
* Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer - not Christian; a children’s story
* Hanukkah - definitely not Christian; minor Jewish holiday
* Decorated tree - not Christian; based in pagan beliefs
* December 25th - not Christian; from the Julian calendar, date of pagan festival and also date of birth of Mithras
* Bill O’Reilly - not Christian in any way you can recognize; descended from pagans from Ireland

Source: Think Progress

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