Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Stewart Grills Huckabee On Gay Marriage

Great interview between Jon Stewart and former fat guy Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee.
"Gay people don’t choose to be gay. At what age did you choose to not be gay?"
When you think of all the people who are allowed to marry, an 80 year old man is allowed to marry an 18 year old girl, a person divorced 6 times is allowed to marry someone else divorced 6 times, and on and on, yet two monogamous same sex adults can't.

Mike's hang-up is that it would change the "definition of marriage". With divorce rates at 50%, hasn't marriage lost "til death do us part" a long time ago?

And if Huchabee is trying to frame gay marriage around what the public wants, over 60% of the pubic want legal abortions. A bit hypocritical.

Source: ThinkProgress

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